Executive Council Meeting Report

March 23, 2024

The NSSLHA Executive Council (EC) met virtually, March 23, 2024. Here, you’ll find the Summary Report of the meeting.

Executive Council members in attendance were President Hailey Kingsbury, President-Elect Aivy Nguyen, Vice President for Finance Izabelle Pinzon, Vice President for Planning George ‘Ged’ Pearson, Vice President for Academic Affairs Tynashia Whitaker, Vice President for Government Affairs and Public Policy Chanel Hudson, Vice President for Programming (AuD) Whitney Bauman, Vice President for Programming (SLP) Kennedy Wilkins, Vice President for Student State Officers (Western Region) Sierra Morrow, Vice President for Student State Officers (Central  Region) Carolyn Sinak, Vice President for Student State Officers (Northeastern Region) Emilia Gorecki, Vice President for Student State Officers (Southern Region) Lillian Jones, and NSSLHA National Advisor Dr. Belinda Daughrity.

NSSLHA Senior Director Alexis Redmond and guest speakers, Sheila Mathew, and Treasyri Williams Wood, SLPD, CCC-SLP, Member at Large in Speech-Language Pathology, ASHA Board of Directors, were in attendance.

Opening Remarks

The Spring 2024 NSSLHA Executive Council meeting was called to order at 11:03 a.m. ET on Saturday, March 23, 2024, by President Hailey Kingsbury.

Leadership Activity

Kingsbury led a team building activity with all council members.

Strategic Plan Update

Pearson reviewed the new strategic plan scorecard and key performance indicators (KPIs) for the 2024-2026 Strategic Plan and announced would be fielded in April to update current member baseline information.

SSO Role Discussion

Gorecki, Jones, Morrow, and Sinak led the group in a review of the Student State Officer (SSO) role and volunteer description. Council members discussed how SSOs could be engaged in more strategic work and how they can be aligned with state associations and key groups. Recommendations from the group will be used to modify the volunteer description, workplan, and onboarding.

Leadership Workshop: Transition from Student to Professional

Daughrity led a discussion along with guest panelists Williams-Wood and Mathew on career paths, leadership, and negotiating salaries and professional challenges.

Student Leadership Application & Review

Council members discussed criteria and plan for the selection of the 2024-2025 Executive Council slate.

National Advisor and National Office Updates

Daughrity provided an update that included a reminder about the ASHA Convention call for papers. Redmond provided an update on membership, programs, and national office activities.

Executive Council Updates

Executive council members provided updates on projects and personal achievements.

Closing Remarks

The meeting was adjourned at 3:01 p.m. ET on Saturday, March 23, 2024.


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